Saturday, February 5, 2011

Father Daughter Dance 2011

 Holden and Emma

 Anna, Meg and Charlotte 

 Anna, Meg and Charlotte

 Anna, Meg and Charlotte

 Virginia, Sophie, Eliza, Livia, Lulu, Anna, Meg, Charlotte, Emma, Holden and Dorothy

 Meg, Charlotte, Emma, Holden and Dorothy

 Virginia, Sophie, Eliza, Livia, Lulu and Anna

 Mr. Stallings, Anna, Charlotte and Meg

 Stephanie, Eliza, Virginia and Lulu

 Lily, Stephanie, Eliza, Virginia and Lulu

 Stephanie, Lily, Virginia, Livia and Eliza

 Dorothy and Stephanie

 Virginia and Lulu

Livia and Lily

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Skating

 Eliza, Hollis and Lily


Jrs. Investiture

Here the girls are playing a pre-Brownie meeting game called Kim's Game.

 Emma, Frances and Holden

 Claudia and Ella

 Aves, Emma, Holden and Claudia

Tudor Place

Here the girls are making gingerbread houses after they toured the historic mansion.

 Aves, Laney, Hollis, Cate, Livia, Sopie, Lily and Sophia

 Holden, Cami, Eliza, Stephanie

 Frances, Holden, Cami and Eliza

 Cami, Eliza, Stephanie, Helena, Lulu and Dorothy


 Charlotte, Lili, Tonia and Meg

 Emma, Claudia, Laney, Hollis and Cate

 Livia, Sophie, Lily

 Laney, Cate, Livia and Sophie

 Dorothy, Charlotte, Lily, Meg, Cami and Eliza

 Holden, Cami, Helena, Dorothy and Charlotte

 Charlotte and Lily

Hollis, Cate and Livia

SOME Shoebox Gifts for the homeless

The girls joined other Girl Scouts in our service unit to wrap shoeboxes with small articles of clothing and other things that the homeless may need.

 Dorothy, Nidal and Liddy

 Caroline Brown and Frances

Helena, Dorothy, Liddy, Stephanie, Becca and Cami with all the finished boxes.